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HomeInsuranceWhat Type of Insurance Does Fred Loya Offer?

What Type of Insurance Does Fred Loya Offer?

Introduction to Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company

Loya Insurance Group is the founder of Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company. It was established in 1974. Its head office is in Paso, Texas, United States. As of today Loya Insurance Company is serving its service in eleven states of the US such as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Alabama, California, Illinois, Nevada, Indiana and Ohio with more than 700 offices.

It provides services like giving insurance to high-risk drivers, it also provides insurance to those people who have not a good record of driving, the person who has a bad credit score and much more like this.

Because Fred Loya Auto Insurance offers insurance to a high-risk person, the insurance coverage options are extremely low. Also, the official website of Fred Loya Company does not provide full information on its policy types.

Types of Insurance Coverage

car insurance

Here are some of the coverages that are provided by Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company,

  • Basic Coverage: Fred Loya Auto Insurance offers you the full coverage of your car insurance. And in your basic coverage, there are collision, comprehension, liability as well as medical payment are included.
    Let’s get it to understand in detail.
    Collision: This insurance coverage helps you to repair or replace your vehicle in the case you hit any other vehicle or any object. This is the coverage that is mostly used by rough and high-risk drivers.
    Comprehension: If you are a type of person who knows perfect driving and you do not need collision insurance coverage. But the thing that you want is to protect your car or vehicle from fire, theft, etc then you must go with comprehensive insurance coverage.
    Liability: This is a type of insurance coverage that includes both personal life damage, physical damage as well as property damage. Such as damage to your vehicles as well as your own physical appearance.
    Medical Payment Coverages: As the name suggests, medical payment coverage helps you in the payment of your treatment expenses caused by the car accident. It can also ensure the treatment of drivers as well as passengers who got caught in a particular car accident.
  • SR-22 Insurance: These insurance policies are made for those drivers whose license is suspended. And this SR-22 insurance proves that they meet the minimum requirement to get insured.
  • Personal Injury Protection: Personal injury protection (PIP) provides you with medical coverage that can help you to recover your or passengers’ medical expenses of your injury or funeral expenses done because of any car accident.

Why Choose Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company?

Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company is the best choice for the high-risk and rough drivers because it is the only auto insurance company that provides insurance to the driver who has been caught without a licence, who is a high-risk driver, rough driver.

It also provides insurance to such a person who has a bad credit score.

Disadvantages of Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company:

While the above-mentioned things are the reason why people are choosing Fred Loya Auto Insurance. But now you must know about some downfalls of this insurance company.

  • It does not have add-on policies,
  • Its full coverage insurance premium is too expensive,
  • It offers its service in only 11 states of United States,
  • Discount offers are not clearly defined,
  • It only deals in car insurance.

Tricks to maximize your savings with Fred Loya Auto Insurance:

All the companies have their own loophole from which we are able to take more discounts and some companies come with such a policy that they are giving a discount to their customer themself if the customer fulfils the recommended things.

And the same thing happens to Fred Loya Auto Insurance also. So, let’s get to know about some discount offers which are given by Fred Loya Auto Insurance.

  • Set Automatic Payment: If you want to get a discount then always try to choose an automatic payment method for your premium of auto insurance.
  • Good Driving History: One must have a good driving history in the last three years. That means you must not have been involved in an accident or claim in the last three-year time period.
  • Own Multiple Vehicles: If you are the owner of more than one vehicle and want to get insurance for more than one vehicle then, you will be qualified for taking the discount.
  • Advance Coverage: If you are having your insurance coverage in advance then, it will be beneficial for you as you will be able to take a discount.
  • Own the Home: If you are the owner of the home, then it will make a better impression as well as trust to the company. So, the insurance company will provide you with a discount.

How to get your car insured with Fred Loya?

Getting your car insured with Fred Loya has a very simple process because they have more than 700 offices and they are doing their work in 11 states of the United States. So, you can visit any of your nearest offices for getting insurance.

Fred Loya Auto Insurance is currently not providing the facility to sign up your policy using online mode.

But you need not worry before visiting the office you may be able to get a talk with the agent of Fred Loya. And they will help you in getting quotes. And the agent will inform you about the important document that you must carry with you while visiting the Fred Loya office.

Those Important Documents areas are as listed below:

  • Information of vehicles that you owned
  • Your driving record of past three years
  • Your vehicle’s current insurance information
  • Driving Licence Number of the driver whose name is listed on the insurance
  • Most importantly, your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)

Process of Cancelling Fred Loya Auto Insurance:

 If you are not happy with your Fred Loya Auto Insurance and want to cancel your insurance, then you should have to visit the office of Fred Loya. While visiting the insurance company you must carry a handwritten cancellation request with you.

Yeah, the fax or email is also accepted for cancelling your current insurance but for using this facility you have to do an enquiry about this from your nearest office.

Mostly all insurance companies ask certain questions before cancelling your insurance. The common detail asked by the insurance company for cancelling your insurance is as mentioned below:

  • Your Full Name,
  • Your Insurance Policy Number,
  • Signature,
  • Reason for cancelling an insurance policy or insurance contract etc.

Bottom Note:

Fred Loya Auto Insurance is the only company that provides insurance to a high-risk and rough driver. So, it is very useful for such a risky driver. As it gives insurance to such a driver also whose licence is suspended or who has an extremely low credit score. 

On another hand, it is not useful for the driver who has all the good credit scores and is good. Because the cost of Fred Loya Auto Insurance is a little high as compared to other Insurance provider companies.

To open the insurance account or to cancel the insurance you must have to visit your nearest Fred Loya Auto Insurance Company. This company is situated in 11 states of the United States and it has more than 700 offices, so you may visit any of them and make your work done easily.

This company also offers discounts to many who are eligible for discount offers according to their policies.

But after providing these all features, Fred Loya Auto Insurance can’t satisfy its customers. So, the rating of Fred Loya is comparatively very low as compared to other insurance companies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

faq on fred loya insurance

What is the general complaining about Fred Loya Insurance?

From the last three years, Fred Loya is gaining more complaints. And some of its major complaints are about its unsatisfactory settlements, making delays in the handling of claims, deny for claim settlements and also about its useless offers.

What does Fred Loya Auto Insurance Offer?

Fred Loya generally offers two types of insurance i.e., full coverage insurance and minimum coverage insurance. But it also has some more coverage options such as basic coverage, SR-22 insurance, personal injury protection, etc.

What are the good and bad services offered by Fred Loya Auto Insurance?

Good Services Bad Services
Affordable Rates Customer Support
For Rough Drivers Digital Experience
A driver who often got an accident on the road Unique Coverage

How to file a claim with Fred Loya Auto Insurance?

It is very simple to file your claim with Fred Loya Auto Insurance. You just have to call their customer care at 1-800-880-0472. Or you may visit your nearest Fred Loya Insurance office.
The thing is while visiting and calling customer care you must have to know about their office hours.
7 am to 8 pm from Monday – Friday, and 7 am to 4 pm on Saturday
To complete the procedure of claiming the insurance, the driver must have to complete some paperwork.



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