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HomeFinance & AccountingWhat Does TTM Mean & How to Find TTM?

What Does TTM Mean & How to Find TTM?

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What Does TTM Stand For?

TTM stands for “trailing twelve months,” representing the company’s performance over the past year.

A TTM can be calculated by combining their three most recent financial statements and then adding any changes in net worth that have occurred since those periods ended.

The 12 months of data following the current month is known as the trailing twelve months (TTM). This term for a company’s past performance can be found in financial reports. The TTM does not necessarily coincide with a fiscal-year ending period and should be sent in an annual report if it falls shorter than one year.

TTM is a financial term that refers to the past 12 months of company performance.


They calculate the total net worth by adding assets on both sides then subtracting liabilities from that figure. The method for calculating this data is different from one statement to the next which may make it difficult or impossible for analysts or other interested parties in understanding what they’re looking at.

When it comes to reporting on the performance of a company, there are different standards for how often data is released. Some analysts report earnings quarterly while others do so annually; however, if you want current information about stocks and other market changes then TTMs may be more relevant because they’re updated daily with seasonally-adjusted numbers.

The price/earnings ratio, or P/E (TTM), is calculated by dividing a company’s current stock price by its trailing 12-month earnings per share. The TTM provides investors and analysts alike some insight into the outlook of stocks for an upcoming period, which can be used as indicators to make trading decisions.

The Price Earnings Ratio (P/E) also known as “TTM” calculates how much money you are investing in relation to the financial figures that have been made on your investment over twelve months. It tells us what we should expect from this particular asset during this year. A higher number means it may not be worth buying because there might come a time when everything drops.

Fundamental analysis is the process of comparing a measurement from one term to another, such as revenues. In order for growth to be significant and measurable, it needs to compare like measurements while an increase in revenue may seem impressive when compared with itself over the course of just 12 months.

Any progressions that are only incremental will not show how much improvement was made. To get this snapshot clearer than ever before: if you’ve seen marked improvements within your company during these last 12 months then fundamental analysis has helped provide insight into what caused those changes.

Where to Find the TTM?

According to accounting principles (GAAP), companies are required to update their balance sheets quarterly but analysts tend to use an average for greater accuracy since this method gives them access to fresher data that reflects current economic conditions better while still complying with basic regulations like those established by GAAP.

The cash flow statement contains line items such as working capital, depreciation adjustments, and dividend payments. These should be treated from the perspective of which financial statement they are related to in order for them all to work together properly.

Therefore doing this could affect how an analyst looks at certain aspects of a company’s finances. For example, if it is important that you know what can happen with your results on a quarterly basis then looking at four quarters worth would make sense while analyzing parts like working capital or dividends.

Because these two do not get pulled into income statements until the next quarter after being reported on balance sheets.


  • The trailing 12 months, or TTM for short, is the data from the past 12 consecutive months used to report financial figures.
  • There should be a limit to how far back trailing 12-month earnings can go because otherwise, companies will always report the best numbers, which does not give you an accurate representation of their financial performance.
  • The last 12 months provide a compromise that is both current and seasonally adjusted.

What Is TTM Revenue?

TTM revenue is not as prevalent in today’s society but it still has a significant impact on the economy. TTM Revenue describes company profit over 12 months of business to determine whether or not they’ve experienced meaningful growth and can pinpoint where that growth comes from. It also determines if their profits are sustainable.

What This Yield?

TTM Yield is the amount of money a portfolio has made for investors in the last 12 months. This number comes from taking an average, weighted by holdings within a fund, of yields for all underlying funds inside this portfolio- whether they be stocks or bonds.

Are LTM and TTM the same?

The last twelve months (LTM) is a common timeframe for evaluating the performance of companies. LTM can be used to measure revenue and debt-to-equity ratios, among other things.

The last 12 months is a term used to measure the performance of an organization over the most recent year. This time period may also be referred to as the trailing 12 months (TTM). LTM can often be seen in reference to financial metrics such as revenue or debt-to-equity ratio.

Is This an average?

The 12-month measure is typically reported on a company’s balance sheet, which can be found in the annual financial report. This document contains all of the relevant information about how that business has performed over time.

And within different conditions so investors know what they’re putting their money into. The most common way to find this number would be by looking at an updated quarterly balance sheet from every quarter with GAAP compliance before averaging them together or simply taking one data set for each category such as sales revenue (gross margin) to come up with your own average – whichever you prefer.


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